Saturday, April 19, 2014

We have FEASTED!!!!!

Howdy Family and Friends!
   I hope all of you enjoyed the wonderful messages that were given to us by our Savior through modern day prophets and apostles! We are so blessed!!!! I just love general conference! I am so sad that it is over though and we have to wait another 6 months till we get it again, but we can always reread or watch them whenever we want! We are so blessed!!!!! It is like Christmas, but only better because you get to be fed spiritually and what you get you can use to gain eternal life which is the greatest of all gifts!!!!
A glance into a missionary's life:
Monday: We did a service activity for a member in the ward and it was fun! We gathered a bunch of branches that fell during a massive ice storm that took place during winter! I also got to through around a football which was fun and now one of the kids calls me Sister Football! haha!
Tuesday: We met a man named Robert while door knocking! It was really cool because he was super open and he really enjoyed talking with us! We were able to set up a time to meet with him again which was great!
Wednesday: We taught a scripture study class that we have and we taught on prophets because of general conference and it went really well which was pretty great! Scriptures studies are great!
Thursday: We met with Robert and he had a lot of really good questions! We think the lesson could have gone better so we are going to have to improve, but he wants to meet with us again which we are so thankful for and we are hoping that he will read the Book of Mormon because we know that is how you gain a testimony of the gospel!
Friday: We did service for 2 hours in the rain and it was actually pretty good! Sadly there was so much to do and not enough time so we had to reschedule for another day to finish up the rest of it and we will pick a warmer sunnier day! At least it wasn't snowing right! We also went and say a less active woman who we have been working with and she is a crack up! It was kind of funny because she was talking about someone and I was defending the person and she looks at me and points her finger and tells me to shut up! It was so funny! I really couldn't contain myself I just turned to Sister Murri and started laughing! I honestly didn't know how to react, but it was pretty funny and she also called all of us liars. She is so funny she really is a sweet lady she gives us ide cream which is really nice! haha!
Saturday: General Conference!!!!!!!! That is all I have to say. Oh also us sister missionaries were invited to get wings with the priesthood of the ward before the priesthood session, we felt very privileged. :D
Sunday: General Conference is the most amazing thing ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Spiritual Thought: I just wanted to give a brief testimony of vocal prayers. This morning during studies I was having the hardest time focusing on what I was studying so I said a silent prayer and nothing worked. I felt like I should go into another room and say a vocal prayer after thinking about it for a bit I did just that. It was so wonderful to pour my heart out to Heavenly Father and talk with him about what I was feeling and what I wanted to do for His children. It was amazing the peace that I felt as I conversed with him. A scripture came to my mind and it was John 14: 27 which brought even more peace into my heart. I know that when we pray our Heavenly Father hears us! I know that when we pray vocally it shows that faith that we have and the knowledge that we have a Father in Heaven who hears and answers our prayers. I am so grateful to have been taught how to pray at such a young age and that I can converse with the most all powerful being ever! In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Love Always,

Sister Miranda Smith 

Easter is around the corner!

Hey Family and Friends!!!
This email is going to be a little short this week because I don't have too much time right now. I am not really going to talk too much about my week but I want to talk about our Savior Jesus Christ.
Easter is just around the corner and just like every holiday the world takes the true meaning and changes it to get gain. Easter is not about the candy, the eggs or the Easter baskets. We have this day because of our Savior Jesus Christ. We have the knowledge that Christ LIVES and because he broke those bands for us that we may live again! Jesus Christ was born for one purpose and that was to take upon him the sins of all who have ever lived and break the bonds of both spiritual and temporal death! All things are possible because of Him!! We are nothing without our Savior Jesus Christ! We are "unworthy creatures" as it states in Mosiah 4:11 (one of my favorite scriptures). We must remember "his goodness, and long-suffering towards you," (Mosiah 4:11)
I cannot contain how much love, joy and gratitude I have for my Savoir, Jesus Christ. I am able to return to live with my Father in Heaven because of Him! I know he knows each and every one of us and he knows exactly what we are going through better than anyone else!
I know that HE LIVES!
In the name of Jesus The Christ, Amen.
Love Always,
Sister Miranda Smith

P.S long on to and watch the video Because of Him, it is beautiful!